Priority Action 1.8. Ensure and enhance access to the Potomac River, Four Mile Run, and their tributaries while improving the tree canopy, native vegetation and other natural resources along waterways. 

The Potomac River, Four Mile Run, and their tributaries are the backbone of the County’s natural resource framework and are some of its biggest natural and recreational assets. There are two Comprehensive Plan elements, the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Plan and Ordinance and the Stormwater Master Plan, as well as several other major planning efforts that support these important resources.  

1.8.1. Implement the Four Mile Run Restoration Master Plan, Four Mile Run Valley Parks Master Plan and Area Plan, and the Short Bridge Park Master Plan. 

Implementation of these plans will create better public spaces along Four Mile Run, enhance their ecological value and promote access to nature. 

1.8.2. Continue to acquire ownership or easements for land adjacent to Four Mile Run in keeping with the Land Acquisition Criteria contained in this plan. 

Since the 2005 PSMP, the County has expanded access to Four Mile Run. The County should continue this process to further enhance the Run as a natural resource and destination. 

1.8.3. Collaborate with the National Park Service to develop a boathouse for non-motorized boating and enhance access to the Potomac River. 

Improving connections to the Potomac River includes providing opportunities for boating activities as well as access to nature.